IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks
21–23 October 2024 // Athens, Greece

Call for Demos

In addition to contributed papers, keynote speeches, and panels, IEEE CAMAD 2024 will also host a Demonstration Session.

The event allows researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to present the tangible results of their work in an interactive, hands-on setting and gives attendees an opportunity to explore the hardware and software behind the latest research results.

We invite demonstrations of prototypes and testbeds reflecting original results and on-going efforts in analytic and simulation tools and techniques for the performance evaluation of communications systems. The topics of interest are broadly those of the main conference, and include the latest 6G developments that integrate the cyber, connectivity and biological work to usher  in a new era where “everything” will be sensed, connected and intelligent. Demonstration topics include and not limited to technologies targeting intelligent sensing, ubiquitous intelligence on the deep edge, extreme connectivity to accelerate full-scale digital transformation, cloudification, integrated NTN, security and privacy preserving technologies, and energy efficiency contributing towards sustainable communications. 

This is considered a good opportunity for international collaborative research projects (6G SNS, Horizon CL4, among others) and national initiatives to promote their results to the scientific research community and stakeholders.  

Demonstration abstracts are limited to 2 pages. The abstract should provide an overview of your research problem and results and also describe the key features of the prototype or testbed and how it contributes to supporting your results. Moreover, demonstration abstracts should, in particular, describe any special requirements for space and any other requirements (such power supplies, internet access, etc.). Demonstrations related to work submitted to the main CAMAD Conference are most welcome.

Demonstrations will be reviewed and judged based on their originality and technical contribution, as well as their potential to generate interaction and exchange of ideas at the conference.

The abstracts will be included in the demo session information that will be distributed to the workshop participants. Accepted demonstrations must be presented at the workshop, and at least one author must be registered for the conference. 

Submission Instructions
Abstracts should use the IEEE conference format
Please submit your abstract by clicking on the submission link through EDAS by clicking the following button:

Submit a Paper



Important Dates

Abstracts Submission Deadline: 15th July, 2024
Notification:  16st July, 2024
Camera ready: 5th August, 2024 

For any further information, the Demos Chairs can be reached at:

Jonathan Rodriguez, Instituto de Telecomunicações, []

Leonardo Militano, Zurich University of Applied Sciences[]


