IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks
21–23 October 2024 // Athens, Greece

Federation of 6G Infrastructures & Experimentation Facilities in a “Network of Networks”

The emergence of 6G technology marks a pivotal moment in our digital evolution, moving towards a transformative era for society as we look towards 2030 and beyond. Powered by ground-breaking advancements, such as joint communication and sensing, cell-free architecture, Radio Intelligent Surfaces, and pervasive wireless intelligence, 6G stands ready to redefine the very benchmarks of performance. Yet, it's not just about enhancing speeds and connectivity. 6G is set to revolutionise network architecture, extending a bold invitation to new stakeholders to join in shaping the future of networks. Embracing the visionary concept of a "network of networks," 6G promises, despite the multiple technological challenges, to mingle diverse infrastructures into a seamless fabric of connectivity and innovation.

In response to these identified challenges, SUNRISE-6G aims to combine private and public infrastructures within a massively scalable internet-like framework. In line with this vision, SUNRISE-6G endeavours to establish a federation of 6G test infrastructures across Europe, facilitating converged Testing as a Service (TaaS) workflows and tools, along with offering a unified catalogue of 6G enablers accessible to experimenters. This approach, leveraging and extending APIs from the Camara Initiative and GSMA OPG, provides a clear roadmap to 3GPP compliance of future 6G deployments. SUNRISE-6G revolves around four key pillars; (a) Implementation and development of new 6G Enablers, complementing those already in progress; (b) Scalable and 3GPP Compliant Federation solutions that emphasise scalability and adherence to 3GPP standards providing access to a wide array of heterogeneous resources and devices spanning across Europe; (c) Federated AI Plane that is aligned with AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) and MLOps paradigms fostering an environment beneficial to significant advancements in AI research through the scaling-up of datasets and models; (d) the Commonly Adopted Experimentation Plane, which revolves around the creation of a universally adopted Experimentation Plane offering standardised workflows to experimenters, streamlining experimentation processes, and promoting collaboration and efficiency across the board.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of terms related to the project:

  • Testing-as-a-Service
  • AI-as-a-Service/MLOps
  • eXplainable AI
  • Federation of infrastructure/testbeds
  • Experimentation Plane
  • Intend-drive Management & Orchestration
  • Joint Communication & Sensing
  • Edge Intelligence
  • PLMN NTN-Terrestrial Connectivity
  • Testbed Open SDKs
  • 6G Libraries
  • Experimentation Facility

The organising committee:

Konstantinos Ramantas

Vasileios Theodorou

Apostolis Salkintzis

Gianna Avgousti

Marios Sophocleous


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