IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks
21–23 October 2024 // Athens, Greece

Toward Automated and Automatic Intent-Based Networking

Intent Based Networking (IBN) provides an automated, efficient, robust, and fast interaction between network infrastructure management, operating systems and network users.  The IBN aims to automate the intent lifecycle and accelerate the deployment of communication services and applications. IBN converts business goals into network configurations to replace manual technical configurations with an intent-driven approach to provide an alignment between high-level strategies and network operations. Providing policies and services to profile, translate, and refine intents to ensure intent fulfilment and execution within the expected quality is essential to achieve IBN goals.  Therefore, the goal of this workshop is to gather research and experiments from standards, industry, and academia to realize where we stand, what needs to be addressed and what should be explored. To this end, the workshop will cover IBN aspects including concepts, architectures, modelling, lifecycle, challenges, applications, etc.

Proposer’s Name: Salwa Mostafa, University of Oulu,

Topics of interest include and are not limited to:

  • IBN concepts, architectures, and frameworks
  • IBN enabling techniques: knowledge graphs, large language models, machine reasoning, network compute fabric, policy refinement, feedback control loops, etc.
  • IBN support by native artificial intelligence toolkit
  • IBN applications and use cases, such as holographic communication, metaverse and digital twinning
  • IBN proof-of-concepts, experimentations; report on field trials and real-world deployments
  • IBN implementations, tools, and user interface design
  • IBN applications for 5G, beyond-5G and 6G networks
  • Network-based automation and orchestration
  • Intent-driven security management
  • Intent profiling (i.e., expression, representation, languages) and intent translation techniques
  • Intent workflow models through policies and services (i.e., implementation, functions activation, ect.) 
  • Intent recognition, conflict resolution, refinement, recommendation, and abstraction techniques
  • Intent service deployment, assurance and assessment
  • Interfaces and API for intent based systems
  • Recent advances in standards and open source


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